Have you ever purchased a one-way plane ticket?
I never did. Neither when I first came to this country nor on the 10 subsequent times I traveled back and forth. It is quite a thing...There is something so "final" about it.
So from this short preface, you may have gathered that I may have accomplished one of the biggest task on my "moving back" to-do list: I have purchased my plane ticket. No surprise there, it felt as much like crap as I imagined it would!!! The exorbitant amount of money you're spending, the pressure to buy it "NOW!" before the price goes up, and my (I have to say very helpful) travel agent George asking me the ultimate question with his thick Russian accent: "What is the return date M'am? I wanted to tell him to go ask my boyfriend but instead I refrained and explained that I "wanted" a one-way ticket.
It is the first time I got dizzy after purchasing something. I literally needed a minute (or twenty) to process how real this now was. I may have to increase my dose of Resveratrol tonight!!!